What to expect on the day of your procedure:

Registration:  please bring your license, insurance card and co-pay.
You will be asked to sign for review of our Privacy Policy and Advance Notices.
You must have a ride home; please let your doctor know if this is a problem.
Please plan to be at the center for approximately three hours.
It is critical that you do not eat or drink anything from midnight the night before your surgery.
Medications may be taken with a sip of water.

Admitting:  Please bring your glasses and medication list.
Please leave all valuables at home.  Wear something loose and comfortable, a button down shirt and slip on shoes.
We will verify your medical history, and you will speak with our anesthesiologist.
We will start an IV for fluids and medication to be provided.
A family member may sit with you until you go in for your surgery.

Operating Room:  You will be transferred to the operating room on a stretcher.
You will talk with the nurse, anesthesiologist and your doctor before your procedure.  The team will confirm what surgery you are having done.
The staff will place monitors to watch your heart rate and blood pressure, and will give you oxygen before you receive medication in the operating room.

Recovery Room:  You will remain on the stretcher until you are fully awake.
The nurse will monitor your vital signs, and will provide you with something to drink once you are awake.
You will be discharged in the care of a family member or friend.  You will not be able to drive on the day of your procedure or to your appointment the next day if scheduled.